Recency of experience requirements for Flight Instructor Certificates can be met anytime before reaching the expiration date shown on the certificate (if applicable), or within 24 calendar months after the last recency of experience requirements were satisfied.
Reinstatement requirements must be met if the flight instructor holds an expired Flight Instructor Certificate (applicable to certificates issued before December 1, 2024) or if more than 24 calendar months have elapsed since the last time the recency of experience requirements were satisfied.
A 3-calendar-month grace period exists for Flight Instructor Certificates issued without an expiration date. It allows a flight instructor to reinstate his or her certificate by completing a flight instructor refresher course (FIRC) within three calendar months after the recency period elapses. During this period, the CFI may not provide instruction.
A person may exercise the privileges of the person’s Flight Instructor Certificate only if, within the preceding 24 calendar months, that person has satisfied a recent experience requirement.
The 24 calendar month period during which the flight instructor must establish recent experience starts from one of the following:
A person who holds a Flight Instructor Certificate may establish recent experience by satisfying one of the following.
Passing a practical test for:
Submitting documentation to the FAA that one of the following was satisfactorily completed:
The flight instructor must:
A person who holds an unexpired flight instructor certificate issued before December 1, 2024, may renew that certificate by establishing recent experience before the month of expiration on that person’s flight instructor certificate. If recent experience is not established before the expiration of that person’s flight instructor certificate, that person may not exercise flight instructor privileges until those privileges are reinstated.
The holder of a Flight Instructor Certificate who has not complied with the flight instructor recent experience requirements must reinstate their flight instructor privileges by filing a completed and signed application with the FAA and satisfactorily completing one of the following reinstatement requirements.
If 3 calendar months or less have passed since the last month of the flight instructor’s recent experience period, the flight instructor may successfully complete:
The privileges of a Flight Instructor Certificate cannot be exercised during the 3-month grace period until the reinstatement requirements are completed.
If more than 3 calendar months have passed since the last month of the flight instructor’s recent experience period, the flight instructor must satisfactorily complete a practical test for:
The holder of a Gold Seal Flight Instructor Certificate is not required to meet the criteria again. A flight instructor who qualifies for a Gold Seal will receive another Gold Seal each time the certificate is issued.