This list describes the common areas of weakness observed on flight instructor practical tests by the Orland, Florida FSDO.
- How lift, weight, thrust, and drag act on aircraft in a climb or descent
- Why maneuvering speed varies with weight
- Explanation of the relationship between the center of pressure and center of gravity
- Explanation of trim devices
- Explanation of spin entries, spins, and spin recovery techniques
- Explanation of communication requirements at an airport with an operating control tower located within Class G airspace
- Explanation of VFR weather minimums and operational requirements at an airport having Class E airspace beginning at the surface
- Explanation of Class E airspace starting at other than the surface, 700′, or 1,200′
- How to obtain a special VFR clearance
- Explanation of operations within a Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)
- Knowledge of logbook endorsements necessary to be eligible for a practical test
- Instructor endorsements required from first solo through private-pilot certification
- Instructor endorsements for flight and ground instruction given
Flight Operations
- Fundamentals of radio navigation and how to determine a LAT/LONG location
- Radio communications lost radio communications
- Aircraft preflight, including knowledge of airworthiness requirements
- Landing gear system operation, including malfunction troubleshooting
- Steep turns (maintaining a bank angle within standards)
- Power-on stalls (recover as the stall occurs)
- Power-off stalls (enter from a descent and recover as the stall occurs)
- Effective demonstration of cross-control stalls
- Effective demonstration of spin recovery (if required)
- Demonstration of successful simulated emergency approach and landing, short field, soft field, and cross-wind takeoffs and landings
- Slips
- Airmen Certification Standards
- Regulations
- Fundamentals of Instruction
- English language
- Recognition and prompt recovery from faulty landings (porpoising)
- Recognizing instructor surveillance/supervision requirements for student pilot solo flights
- Recognizing when a student pilot is ready for the first solo flight
- Instrument instructor applicants not possessing instrument-pilot skill levels
- Instructional ability and presentation skills
- Aircraft airworthiness determination and maintenance records review
- Medical certificate requirements for flight instructors
- Limitations on performing flight instruction without a medical certificate
- Explanation of minimum equipment lists and special flight permits
- Explanation of the FAASTeam (WINGS Program)
- When discussing a Task within an Area of Operation of the PTS, the importance of covering each element included within the Task
- Gear-up landings: Emphasis on standard procedures, how to verify the inoperative, and final gear checks before landing